Footwork Approach Drill For a Lay-up

Tactical Problem: Maintaining possession of the ball in order to score a lay-up.

Skill Development: Footwork approach to the hoop for a right and left lay-up.

Teaching Points 

Keeping possession of the ball in order to score a lay-up.

Proper footwork approach to the hoop in a lay-up.





Organizational Points: 
  • Students find an open space on the gym floor and face the teacher.
  • On the teacher's command, students step forward (i.e: left, right, left for a right-hand lay-up), yelling out the foot that they are stepping forward with in order to increase awareness of footwork approach in a lay-up.  Teacher leads the students in the footwork for a left and right hand lay-up.
  • Select a student to lead the class in footwork approach drill.